mercoledì 1 marzo 2017

Linn LP 12 - "Il giradischi"

Stavolta ci si trova davanti a un pezzo di storia. Questo oggetto è considerato da molti appassionati "il giradischi", una pietra miliare nella storia dell'alta fedeltà, sebbene ci siano anche i suoi detrattori. Scrivere del Linn LP 12 potrebbe sembrare anacronistico, considerato tutto quello che si è scritto su questo giradischi, ma in un blog degli evergreen dell'hi-fi non poteva mancare. Oltretutto, l'LP12 è a tutti gli effetti un oggetto senza tempo: dal 1972, anno della sua introduzione sul mercato, la Linn continua a produrlo con costanti miglioramenti e aggiornamenti, e ad oggi viene considerato uno dei migliori giradischi in commercio, un riferimento, specialmente nella sua massima configurazione. Ma a proposito di questo vanno fatte delle debite considerazioni e conseguenti valutazioni. Intanto, si parte da una configurazione base, prezzo al pubblico poco sopra i 3000 euro, fino a quella massima, la attuale versione Klimax, già corredata di un suo pre-phono interno, che arriva a 23000 euro. Un bel salto... Ma cosa c'è in mezzo, tra la versione base e quella top con una differenza di prezzo così ampia? 

Partiamo dal suo profilo sonico. Questo giradischi, nato con l'obbiettivo di dimostrare che c'erano molte più informazioni sul disco in vinile di quante gli appassionati riuscivano ad estrarne ed apprezzarne, ha centrato il suo obbiettivo ma ha comunque un suo modo di riproporre l'evento musicale, con i suoi toni medi caldi leggermente in evidenza tende ad avvicinare l'ascoltatore allo stage sonoro, una sensazione piacevole, per alcuni troppo ruffiana, e proprio qui il Linn trova i suoi sostenitori e anche i detrattori che vorrebbero una riproduzione più netta, scolpita e neutrale rispetto alle tinte calde e morbide a cui tende il Sondek LP 12. Gli upgrade che portano il Linn a far lievitare il suo costo vanno spesso proprio in questa direzione, verso un suono più netto, asciutto, con un basso più controllato, ma non sempre questi ritocchi vengono poi apprezzati dagli amanti di questo oggetto. Partendo da questo presupposto, per avere un suono più asciutto e controllato con 20mila euro di budget, ma anche molto meno, certamente può aver senso valutare altre soluzioni, piuttosto che scegliere il Linn e addentrarsi nei suoi infiniti upgrade per modificare il suo profilo sonoro. Ma in fondo, quel profilo sonoro, quelle tinte calde, seppur snellite per ottenere un suono più veloce e scolpito, appartengono solo a questo monumento della storia dell'Hi-fi.

Al momento la Linn, per semplificare e dare probabilmente un riferimento ai possessori dell'LP12, ha reso disponibili tre versioni che corrispondono a tre livelli di performance di questo giradischi: Majik, Akurate e Klimax.

Majik LP12

giradischi Sondek LP12 in configurazione completa
Comprende  controtelaio new subchassis, alimentatore Majik LP12 Power Supply, braccio Project 9 CC, base inferiore Solid Base, fonorivelatore Adikt, adattatore 45 rpm - Costo: 3500 euro

Akurate LP12

giradischi Sondek LP12 in configurazione completa
Comprende controtelaio Kore, alimentatore Lingo III, braccio Akito II,  base inferiore Trampolin, fonorivelatore Krystal - Costo 8700

Klimax LP12

giradischi Sondek LP12 in configurazione completa
Comprende controtelaio Keel, alimentatore Radikal (Klimax machined), braccio Ekos SE,  base inferiore Trampolin, preamplificatore interno Urika II Exakt con uscita per componenti Exakt, fonorivelatore Kandid - Costo: 23000 euro


Il Linn Sondek LP 12 utilizza una costruzione su controtelaio sospeso su tre punti, soluzione adottata dal suo predecessore Ariston RD11, e un esclusivo cuscinetto unipivot centrale con tolleranze meccaniche estremamente basse per ottenere la massima precisione di rotazione.
- Trazione a cinghia e piatto interno ed esterno di massa elevata e perfettamente bilanciati per garantire la più costante velocità di rotazione.
- Telaio in legno massello, piastra superiore in acciaio inossidabile, controtelaio sospeso su molle e basetta del braccio fissata solidalmente per garantire immunità da vibrazioni e rientro acustico, massime prestazioni e affidabilità.
- Possibilità di migliorare le prestazioni sostituendo all'alimentazione Basik l'alimentatore Lingo III, che permette un controllo del motore di altissima precisione per il massimo dettaglio musicale. Ultima creazione il nuovo alimentatore Linn Radikal, la massima espressione per il controllo di velocità con feedback dal piatto di rotazione.
- Disponibili due tipi di coperchi per la chiusura inferiore del giradischi: Linn SolidBase e Linn Trampolin. Ora costruiti in alluminio per aumentare la schermatura al sistema - dotati di cavo di massa da collegare al telaio. Trampolin è dotato di sospensione aggiuntiva per mezzo di piedi regolabili con diaframmi in silicone.
- Possibilità di scelta tra due tipi di braccio: Linn Ekos III , Linn Akito II. Precedentemente il Linn Ittok LVII, in produzione dal 1979 al '93, fu il primo braccio Linn che equipaggiava l'LP12 che in origine, fornito senza braccio, veniva spesso accoppiato al Grace 707, al Sumiko tonearm o al Mission 774.
- Ideale complemento modelli di fonorivelatori: LINN Kandid, Linn Akiva, Linn Klyde, Linn Adikt. Precedentemente Linn Asak, Asaka, Troika. 
- Finiture standard: Nero, Noce, Teak e Palissandro. Finiture speciali a richiesta. Le scanalature del telaio sono una caratteristica comune alla gran parte delle versioni disponibili che rendono il Linn Sondek LP12 immediatamente riconoscibile.


Il giradischi Linn Lp12 nasce da un'idea del progettista Ivor Tiefenbrun che, come accennavo sopra, si prefigge l'obbiettivo di dimostrare che, contrariamente a quanto si pensava all'epoca della sua introduzione nel mercato hi-fi nel '72, il componente più importante non fosse il diffusore, a valle della catena, ma la sorgente a monte, da cui dipendeva la capacità di estrarre dal disco la maggior quantità possibile di informazioni e dettagli. La popolarità e il successo riscosso negli anni dall'LP12 a cominciare dagli audiofili più esperti che presto lo adottarono come riferimento, evidentemente dimostra che l'intuizione era giusta e che l'obbiettivo era stato raggiunto. Ad oggi, con i suoi vari upgrade e aggiornamenti, l'LP12 è ancora in produzione diventando così il componente audio più longevo della storia dell'Hi-fi.


La caratteristica riconoscibile all'ascolto dell'LP12 è la cosiddetta spinta in avanti di cui si parlava prima, che dai suoi sostenitori è descritta con la sintesi "pace, rhythm and timing" dovuta all'emissione delle frequenze medie a tinte calde, una specie di effetto pre a valvole. Qualcuno che preferisce un suono più asciutto, con un basso più controllato e una gamma dinamica più netta riferisce che ad un attento ascolto, passato il piacevole e ruffiano effetto ci si accorge che tutto sommato, in alcuni passaggi il Linn rende eufonico e semplifica certi dettagli e sfumature che si vorrebbero percepire in modo più netto e neutrale, che è una caratteristica di altri giradischi, spesso basati su una struttura rigida. Per questo motivo, avendo a disposizione un Micro Seiki BL-91 con braccio SME 3009 e stessa testina MM Ortofon Blu, ho voluto fare un confronto dei profili sonici di queste due impostazioni di costruzione. Ho scelto tre dischi: Come away with me, di Norah Jones,  Spain di Miles Davis e La Folia / Jordi Savall, ottimi test per apprezzare la resa di voci e strumenti acustici. Andando dritti al punto senza soffermarsi su descrizioni troppo dettagliate, risulta subito evidente che il suono del Micro Seiki è nitido, netto e scolpito, sembra più asciutto e veloce rispetto al Linn, come lo vorrebbero molti suoi detrattori, la ricostruzione della scena sonora un po' compressa in profondità, ma ben estesa ai lati del fronte sonoro. Il Linn evidenzia subito quella sensazione di maggiore "presenza" porgendo un po' più vicino l'evento sonoro, sembrano esserci più nuances, sia nelle pieghe dell'anima della voce di Norah, che nella lucida tromba di Miles Davis, la sensazione viene confermata anche per la resa degli strumenti antichi utilizzati nell'esecuzione di Jordi Savall. La  quantità di armoniche e di sfumature restituite dal Linn appare evidentemente maggiore, come dice il mio amico Matteo presente all'ascolto, "c'è più roba", più informazioni, più micro dettaglio, la capacità di trasferire all'ascoltatore l'evento musicale nella sua interezza, fino alle sue più piccole sfumature è evidente. Posto che il confronto è limitato ai soli due giradischi a disposizione, e che quindi rispetto a giradischi più performanti il discorso cambierebbe, in ogni caso mi lascia perplesso chi riferisce che il Linn LP 12 "semplifica". Alla luce di questa prova d'ascolto direi che fa esattamente il contrario: l' LP 12 avvicina e puntualizza, approfondisce e tende al dettaglio. Poi si può discutere del basso meno frenato rispetto al Micro Seiki che sembra più netto e veloce negli attacchi mentre il Linn risulta più "valvolare", qualcuno può dire più gonfio, ma piuttosto lo definirei più pieno, e nell'insieme più coerente. Credo che questa capacità dell' LP 12 di estrarre informazioni sia il motivo del suo successo, il motivo per cui è considerato una pietra miliare nella storia dell'Hi-fi, ed è il motivo per cui è stato costruito. Va ricordato inoltre che l'esemplare in test, con alimentazione Valhalla e braccio Ittok II, è più vicino alla configurazione base che a quella massima, ma c'è di che godere...


Il Linn Sondek LP12 ha una messa a punto piuttosto delicata, le sue tre molle del controtelaio vanno regolate perfettamente, pena un eccessivo ammorbidimento del basso e perdita di dettaglio, oltretutto, la taratura va controllata periodicamente poiché facilmente si perde e va nuovamente messa a punto.

In molti hanno scritto del giradischi Linn Sondek LP12 e anche Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia mondiale online, fornisce interessanti notizie e curiosità a riguardo. Qui di seguito il testo integrale, diviso per argomenti specifici.

The Sondek LP12 turntable, introduced in 1972, utilises a suspended sub-chassis design and a patented tightly-toleranced single-point bearing. The LP12 has evolved since its introduction, but its basic suspended sub-chassis design has remained. At the time, the design was identical to the Ariston RD11 and similar to the Thorens TD150, both in turn based on the Acoustic Research XA turntable that was launched in 1961. The XA was created by renowned audio pioneer Edgar Villchur. The three-point "suspended sub-chassis" of the XA, using a compression spring system, was much improved upon and popularised in the LP12.
The similarities between the LP12 and the Ariston RD11 resulted in a patent case: Ariston vs. Linn, or more correctly, Fergus Fons Ltd, Hamish Robertson vs. Ivor Tiefenbrun. In 1972, the late Jack Yan Tiefenbrun filed a pair of provisional patent specifications for a simple point-contact bearing, and followed them up in June 1973 with a complete specification claiming 'improvements in, or relating to, gramophone record playing apparatus'. The application was accepted by the British Patent Office and published as BP1394611. In May 1975, following the publication of the Tiefenbrun patent, an opposition was lodged by turntable manufacturer Fergus Fons Ltd and the late William James Hamish Robertson. The patent was opposed on various grounds, including that 'what was being claimed as new, was in fact old', and that the idea was 'lacking in inventive step' over what was already known. A further ground of opposition was that the invention had been 'obtained' from Hamish Robertson, and was his original idea rather than that of Jack Tiefenbrun. Jack Tiefenbrun had formed Castle Precision Engineering (Glasgow) Ltd some 15 years earlier. Hamish Robertson had a company called Thermac in 1967, which became Ariston in 1970, and Ariston Audio in 1973. In 1970 Jack's son Ivor formed a friendship with Hamish. In 1971 Ivor made a prototype turntable with a ball bearing, and then went to Israel. While Ivor was away, Jack and Hamish changed the ball bearing to a single point bearing. Robertson's company Thermac then ordered forty of the turntables from Castle Precision Engineering Ltd. In 1971, and now operating as Ariston, Hamish showed the turntable under the model name RD11 at the Harrogate show, and set up a distribution network with C. J. Walker and Company. By the end of 1972 relations between Robertson and the Tiefenbruns had broken down. This allegedly led to a threat to Robertson that a copyright action would be brought against him if he had the RD11 turntable made elsewhere than at Castle Precision Engineering. In February 1973 Linn Products Ltd was formed to sell turntables made by Castle Precision Engineering. Robertson left Ariston, which by now had been taken over by Dunlop Westayr Ltd, and became director Fergus Fons Ltd. In the end The Robertsons’ opposition to the Tiefenbrun patent was rejected.

The thinking at the time was that the most important component of a high-end audio system is the loudspeakers. Linn presented an important challenge to that by claiming that the source (i.e. the turntable) was the most important part of the system.
Ivor Tiefenbrun has talked about how Sondek derives from the word Soundex as each hi-fi design always ends up having its own unique identifiable and recognisable sound. Some report the original name was just Sondek without the LP12.
Early versions were a platform for mounting third party tonearms, had a basic power supply arrangements, and would only revolve at 33⅓ rpm. Those users requiring a 45 rpm option would have to purchase a special adaptor to increase the diameter of the motor pulley and platter speed accordingly.
Throughout the years, there have been many changes resulting from development efforts to improve this table. These changes include modifications to components such as the subplatter and bearing, rubber feet, baseboard, armboard, suspension springs and grommets and reinforced plinth. A much improved on-board PSU, the Valhalla, was marketed as an upgrade option. Later, external power supplies became de rigueur firstly with the introduction of the Linn Lingo, and later the Radikal.


Like most turntable units, many options to partner the LP12 are available (including Linn's own) for tonearms, cartridges and, to a much lesser extent, power supplies. Although Linn constantly espouses the virtues of a "pure" Linn system, and there is much talked about synergies with other Linn components, the LP12 user has the option of a number of third party options. Before the existence of Linn-branded tonearms, Linn was the importer for Grace, and used their 707 tonearm. The Sumiko tonearm and later the Mission 774 arm were also popular choices and much spoken of. The first Linn-badged arm, the Ittok LVII, was in production 1979-93. A 3-point-mounted arm with a large-bore arm tube designed and manufactured in Japan. It was gradually superseded by the Ekos. A budget arm, the Basik LVX, was produced from 1983 to 1986, and replaced by the Akito. For today's demanding audiophile, LP12 is commonly partnered with the Linn Ekos SE tonearm; the unipivot ARO tonearm from Naim Audio is also very popular. External power options include Linn's own top of the line Radikal power supply featuring an auto-calibrating speed management system; Naim Audio manufactures the Armageddon power supply for the LP12, based on its own Hi-Cap power supply unit. Linn were distributors for Grace and Supex Corporation at the time, and thus the Grace G-707 tone arm and Supex SD900 and SD1000 phono cartridges were also frequently partners for the deck. Early Linn-branded cartridges, such as the Asak and Asaka, and the 3-point mounted Troika (now discontinued), were produced by Supex for Linn. Linn's later subcontracted cartridge manufacture to Lyra Corporation in Japan. Paul Messenger, writing in Stereophile, credits Linn's endorsement and importation of the Supex brand for the resurgence of audiophile interest in moving coil cartridges. Naim Audio manufactured the Linn-branded head amplifier (phono amplifier), the Linnk. Linn today manufacturers the Uphorik ("euphoric"), and Urika ("eureka") phono pre-amplifier that can be powered by the Radikal. Linn capitalised on the success of the Sondek LP12 by introducing the more affordable Basik and Axis turntables, complementary tonearms for the Sondek and cartridges at different price points.


The LP12 is popular with many audiophiles around the world for its excellent ability to play music with "pace, rhythm and timing". It is sometimes used by hi-fi reviewers as a reference turntable.

It was at its most popular in the golden age of vinyl playback, principally the 1970s through to the 1980s. David Thompson, writing in Record Collector News, said that the LP12 enjoyed a "stranglehold on the qualities of LP reproduction for many years". Its closest competitors were probably the Roksan Xerxes, the Well Tempered Table, several Thorens decks (TD125/126, TD160, TD2001/3001). the Michell GyroDec, the Dunlop Systemdek, the Logic DM-101 and the Pink Triangle PT1. However, the LP12 outsold them all in the United Kingdom. In fact, TNT asserts that "most foreign manufacturers of hi-end turntables didn't even bother to import" because they were faced with an uphill fight. Critics and reviewers would all too frequently conclude of any imported competitor that "an LP12 is better and you could buy two Linn's for that money".
The LP12 has acquired such cult status amongst audiophile turntables that many seek to knock it off its pedestal. Although the design has not been fundamentally revisited, there have been improvements to the turntable's design since its launch using advances in material science, over 40 years ago. It remains possible to buy a Sondek LP12 in a configuration not dissimilar to one made in 1973. In 2004, Stereophile said it was "a classic, a revolutionary, an iconoclast, a survivor." In 2011, ranking the LP12 the second "Most Significant Turntables of All Time" for The Absolute Sound, Robert Harley said: "It’s impossible to imagine the high-end industry without the LP12".
The success of the LP12 owed a lot more to marketing and the personality of Ivor Tiefenbrun, in what is essentially a niche audiophile sector, than engineering. Support of reviewers and dealers were the overriding factors, sweeping under the carpet the deficiencies of what in essence was a flawed pirated design. The major flaws were bass bloom colouration, difficulty of setting up the deck and maintaining the optimum set up. The setting up of LP12 which go “out of tune” has become something of an industry.
Linn Products provided dealers with large margins as rewards for selling sufficient quantities of the deck and this discouraged comparisons with more modern and superior sounding alternatives. Reports about the practices of Linn representatives have been posted on the Internet, including tampering with a demonstration Pink Triangle at a retailer. The British hi-fi press, most notably the magazines under the Haymarket umbrella, waxed lyrical about the LP12 and would always recommended it, even in systems with budget arms, cartridges, amplifiers and speakers. The young men reviewing at the magazines were very impressionable and open to being turned to a *way* and most were converted by visits to Glasgow and the persuasions of Ivor Tiefenbrun. Once he had the industry in his grasp it was very hard for other new manufacturers to find good and responsive retailers for their products and many fine companies and products were killed off, especially in the two recessions of the early 80's and early 90's. Along with British products, high performance Japanese direct drive turntables could not get a look in. It is recognised now that many of these direct drive decks, scorned by journalists at the time, are sonically superior to the LP12.
The price of the LP12, with the numerous modifications, has sky rocketed over the decades. The resulting profits enabled Linn Products to diversify and become a manufacturer of life style products in the digital age.


Changes thereto are elaborated below. related serial numbers in square brackets

  • 1972, LP12 turntable introduced.
  • 1974, Main bearing liner changed. Sub-chassis strengthened by addition of strap, spot welded in place. Motor control circuit changed from terminal strip to small PCB. Mains switch changed from two buttons to single with mains neon. [s/n 2,000]
  • 1978, Top plate modified adding two holes for 6 x 0.5 self tappers into wood block. [23,000]
  • 1979, Lid prop removed, hinges changed to spring loading. [27,000]
  • 1981, February. Nirvana mechanical components. [32,826]
  • 1982, May. Valhalla crystal-driven electronic power supply made standard. [38,794]
  • 1984, Enlarged plinth corner bracing. [53,000]
  • 1984, June. Sub-chassis strengthening bar epoxy glued instead of spot welded. [54,101]
  • 1985, August. Cap head screws on bearing housing. [60,383]
  • 1985, September. Diode modification to Valhalla board [61,090]
  • 1985, December. Strengthening blocks on corners of plinth.
  • 1986, May. New clear lid.
  • 1986, Suspension springs improved.
  • 1987, March. New bearing housing, New Formica and MDF armboard. [69,161]
  • 1987, April. New springs. [69,591]
  • 1987, Bearing improved with better lining material and tighter tolerances. Change to black oil. Suspension springs ground to improved tolerance. Arm board composition improved. [70,000]
  • 1989, Motor thrust pad changed. Valhalla surge guard modification. PCB mains lead (UK). [79,700]
  • 1989, New MDF armboard, laminated top and bottom. [79,160]
  • 1989, Harder suspension grommets fitted. [81,000]
  • 1990, External Lingo power supply available as add-on.
  • 1991, motor thrust pad cap added to Lingo models. [87,047]
  • 1991Valhalla board prototype with 45RPM (never went into production, codename "Wakonda") [87,047]
  • 1991, motor thrust pad cap added to Valhalla models. [87,206]
  • 1991, Introduction of LP12 Basik, a stripped down version of the turntable [87,672]
  • 1991, Solid base board replaces hardboard. [87,672]
  • 1991Trampolin base board with isolating feet available as an option [87,672].
  • 1992, Improved top plate fixing. [88,950]
  • 1993Cirkus upgrade (larger and better machined inner platter and new bearing, new springs, armboard, belt) fitted as standard. [90,582]
  • 1997, a limited edition commemorative LP12 was created to mark the 25th anniversary of the LP12. Amongst other features, it bears a plaque etched with the signature of Linn's founder Ivor Tiefenbrun.
  • 2000, 4th bolt added near motor on top plate, fitted as standard. Required extra cross beam on plinth.
  • 2001, New motor used (first new motor since original 1972).
  • 2002, Maple plinth introduced adding to existing black, walnut, rosewood and afromosia options.
  • 2013, Full-spec limited-edition (40 in all) 40th anniversary LP12, plinth made from oak casks from Highland Park distillery, priced at £25,000.[21]


(in chronological order)
Lingo Power Supply (Introduced: 1990) Linn describes the LINGO as a "high precision, direct coupled, power supply designed to sit alongside the LP12 turntable". Prior to the Lingo, speed accuracy for 33 rpm (and 45 rpm) rotation was determined by the Valhalla power supply board.
The Lingo generates two 50 Hz sinusoidal waveforms which it amplifies and sends to the turntable motor – the Valhalla generates a single sine wave. Using crystal oscillators, one for 33⅓ rpm and one for 45 rpm. the two speeds are made possible. When depressed, the switch on the turntable supplies the start-up torque with which the deck's desired rotation speed is achieved. the switch on the turntable allows selection of the appropriate oscillator the output of which is fed into a synchronous counter to produce a 50 Hz or 67.5 Hz square wave for 33⅓ rpm and 45 rpm respectively. The square wave is filtered into a clean sine wave to minimise motor vibration, and amplified to 120V to feed the turntable.
The Cirkus upgrade (Introduced: 1993) The Cirkus kit aims to provide the LP12 with greater stability and ensure the bearing sits perfectly true to the chassis, through a redesigned bearing and stronger sub-chassis assembly.
The bearing housing height has been increased to improve lubrication; its mounting flange thickness has been substantially increased; the geometry of the top and bottom liners in the bearing housing has been altered to further reduce incidence of rocking. Thickness of the sub-chassis was doubled to improve rigidity, reduce flexing and improve control of the relationship between turntable platter and arm.[23] With the new bearing comes a new sub-platter.[24]
Keel (Introduced: 2006) The Keel upgrade to the LP12 is a replacement subchassis, machined from solid aluminium. It builds on the Cirkus upgrade (now fitted as standard to new LP12s) but is not included as standard in 'regular' production LP12s. Linn claims that the Keel is an application of its "close-tolerance aluminium machining", first seen in the ingot casing of the Sondek CD12CD player. The Keel, along with the Ekos SE tonearm and Trampolin Mk.2 were three Special Edition upgrades for the turntable's 33⅓ birthday, 33⅓ being the standard rotational speed when playing LPs.
Trampolin Mark 2 (Introduced: 2006) The original Trampolin baseboard was made from MDF, rather than masonite, incorporating damping feet which were optimised for LP12 to be placed on heavy furniture. The Trampolin II is made from aluminium.
Radikal (Introduced: 2009) The 'Radikal' system, priced at £2,500, comprises a "control box", DC motor and power supply which, according to Linn, offers more accurate speed control, and reduced vibration and resonance. This is achieved by using on-board speed management system with automatic calibration, and use of a new motor with low magnetic field and electrical noise, located within a machined housing.[25][26] It can be used to power the Urika phono amplifier or the Linn phonostage mounted inside the turntable.


  • Named No. 1 of 'The Hot 100 Products, 2002' by Stereophile.
  • Named '2004 Analogue source component of the year' by Stereophile.
  • In May 2006, Hi-Fi Choice reviewers voted the LP12 "the most important hi-fi components ever sold in the UK".
  • Named '2007 Analogue source component of the year' by Stereophile.
  • In 2011, The Absolute Sound named the LP12 No. 2 in its ranking of "Most Significant Turntables of All Time"


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